Partner With Us


Transparency, accountability and trustworthiness are the key principles of Trinity Children’s Hope Ministries. We keep financial track records to ensure that monies are spent as promised. Our mission and programs are clearly stipulated, We have measurable goals and we use concrete criteria to describe our achievements.

We do not pressure to obtain funding instead we give you time to think and also allow time to interact with us for you to know whatever you wish to know before you decide to partner with us. TRICH has a variety of projects from where you can choose to sponsor. You can choose to be a child sponsor or any other one of your choice.

For any programs you choose to fund, we keep you updated with the project progress, pictures and videos. You can verify our organization as a registered charity with the government of Uganda and here is the registration certificate number

We are willing to discuss with any willing partner, individual, school, institution, church, organization, business entity, and governments or otherwise provided they can help us realize the set targets.

we need to:

  • Build schools (primary, secondary and vocational institute)

  • Poultry Project

  • Set up computer training centre

  • Foster homes for the orphans

  • Modernized Agriculture i.e (Piggery, goat rearing and cattle keeping)

  • Any other beneficial project that the partner may sought worthy

IF YOU WISH TO GIVE, DONATE PLEASE VISIT OUR Donate in differeny ways sub-page

we work smart.