• To promote foster family resource centre to provide information, accommodation, education, research and recreation facilities to vulnerable children and care givers.

  •  To promote community based heath care, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, amongst the communities.

  •  To promote the needy members of the community to participate in income generating activities for socio-economic transformation of their homesteads.

  •  To enhance preventive measures against HIV an d malaria to promote initiatives among communities’ members for the care of those individuals and families affected by AIDS and Malaria

  •  To promote revolving micro-finance scheme for poverty eradication among the society and children’s foster families.

  •  To offer marriage, home and family counseling services to the society and members of the communities.

  •   To establish children’s foster home and take care of the vulnerable children in the communities.

  •  To offer moral guidance and counseling services to persons including children, youths and adults

  •  To operate a computer training centre to empower the learners to live a meaningful lifestyle

  •  To establish a tailoring  and knitting training centre for the beneficiaries and community members.

  •  To apply to any international body, government or authorities, public organization